
LettsNews is a LettsGroup company. LettsGroup is a branded venture group using its incubator methodology and advanced technology to tackle some of society's biggest problems.

Our Story

LettsNews is here to fix our broken media landscape. We are driven to democratise the production of news. We give the professional, semi-professional and amateur journalist a place to produce news, monetize their work, and do so without the compromise of getting published by abandoning their voice, integrity or honesty.

We work with journalists to funnel news relevant to local and national publishers. In turn, we help news publishers to easily locate and acquire high quality, accurate and fresh news produced at great prices.

We remove the distorted business model that is driving the current dismantling of reputable news sources and give you the tools to tell today's stories with your voice, accurately and without compromise.

Connect with us

LettsNews is the future of news creation.
© 2024 LettsNews.
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